The information contained on this website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an investment recommendation, nor an offer of investment funds or any securities by JHSF Capital.
JHSF Capital Ltda. ("JHSF Capital") is duly authorized by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil to operate as a portfolio manager in the "asset management" category. The information, materials, or documents made available here do not constitute and should not be understood as an investment recommendation, securities analysis, promotional material, participation in any business strategy, solicitation/offer/sales effort, or distribution of investment fund quotas mentioned herein. The information and materials do not constitute legal, accounting, regulatory, tax, or any other type of advisory or consulting services regarding the investment alternatives and/or various subjects contained in the documents. JHSF Capital is not responsible for errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in the disclosed information, nor for investment decisions made based on this website, whether by the investor or professionals consulted and/or hired by them. Some of the information contained herein may have been obtained from market sources. Even with all due care in their collection and handling, JHSF Capital is not responsible for the accidental publication of incorrect data, or for any other errors, omissions, or for the use of such information. The information, materials, or documents made available here are purely for informational purposes and do not take into account the investment objectives, financial situation, or individual and particular needs of each investor, nor do they contain all the information that a potential investor should consider or analyze before investing in an investment fund. Investors are advised to carefully read the fund's regulations and other documents before investing. Investors should always base their decisions solely on their own judgment and the opinion of professionals they have hired to provide advice and decide on the investments that best suit their profile, considering especially the applicable risks and costs. Investment funds may use derivative strategies as an integral part of their investment policy. Such strategies, as implemented, may result in significant financial losses for their shareholders, potentially resulting in losses exceeding the capital invested and the consequent obligation of the shareholder to contribute additional resources to cover the fund’s losses. Investment funds are not guaranteed by the fund manager, the portfolio manager, the custodian, any insurance mechanism, or the Credit Guarantee Fund – FGC. There is no promise or guarantee of performance, and any reference to past or historical profitability does not represent a guarantee of future returns.